About Us
Owner - Solon Gray
Soar Sports Apparel stated in 2020 on the idea of a few friends (Solon Gray, Andrew Owczarzak, Zack Asel, Jason Rupp) on the hope that Solons rep experience and all their love for sports would help support both you and adult rec sports in the area. As you can see by the highlighted initials of each founding member, SOAR was born. Fast forward 2 years later and Soar was bought out fully by Solon Gray. Since that buyout, we have soared to new heights with out sportswear. Introducing Ice Hockey in 2022 we have seen great success in that area. With the help of partnerships like Stiklife Detroit and the Motor City Rockers we can not wait to see what the future holds.
Get Art Started
This will add your custom art fee to your cart. You will receive art within 3-5 days once purchased. Please leave notes with specifics
The Process
Design -------->
When you chooose your sport. You will see a get art started button. That will allow you to add the art fee to our cart. Once the art fee is paid. You will receive a mock within 3-5 business days.
Order -------->
Once you have an approved design. You submit your order form to us. We will invoice within 2 business days. Once invoice is paid in full, your order will be submitted. Full dye items can take up to 4-5 weeks depending on sport and quantity
Updates -------->
Once your invoice is paid and you receive an order number. You can check at any time right here online to get updates on your order process.
QAQC / Delivery -------->
At Soar we do not drop ship. We have all items sent to us for quality review. If there are any problems we will be transparent and honest as well as fix that issue as soon as possible. Once items pass quality. We deliver to you
Now that we have Soared your look. You go Soar your game. Enjoy and leave us a review!